2 Things on My Bucket List


I don’t have a huge bucket list.

I did at one time in my life and actually achieved most of it by the age of 40.

I don’t have the passion to climb Mt. Everest or parachute from a plane.  I don’t need to own a huge house or a fancy car. I’m just a regular guy .

Currently, I really only have two objectives  in my life  . … So I guess you could say I have a small bucket list for the time being.

I have accomplished most of  the first objective:

I have always been an observer of people. My life has had its ups and downs and that’s ok . It has made me stronger and aware that I am a survivor and a achiever.

Life to me is  about aging forward, and overcoming obstacles and gaining new awareness that comes with it.

But the best part of the first bucket list . for me,  is meeting guys like you on the climb of life.

You inspire me and I welcome the enthusiam and discource  with open arms. It awakens my spirit..

For me to accomplish the GLA40 Website, and Facebook Page and Private Facebook Group,  the Dating Group has been a goal of mine when I was in my 30’s. We needed a voice besides sites just focusing on youth  and it has been heard by all of you that I was correct that there would be a following. I was told by some, no one would want to participate or read  even the articles, boy were they wrong! This is a dream that became a reality.

My biggest  aspiration on a day-to-day basis is to continue to Pay it Forward..to Provide value to my GLA40 audience. Keeping it practical and ambitious. , challenging you, exciting you towards new possibilities after 40.

Aging Forward in Life together thru the internet and blogging is wonderful.

The second major bucket list that I have was  to  have one more  GLA40 conference, It is already planned out and will be  in July 2020 in Chicago .Ronde Here you would meet gay men over 40 from all over the United States and from some countries in between in person. We will be holding mini workshops on topics that coincide with our site categories from Dating and relationships, to sex, health and alike. .

The Gay Life After 40 Conference

Just think meeting guys over 40 who have the same concerns, some of the same experiences as you…creating bonds and new friendships. Learning from each other in a safe environment where you can fully express yourself in front of each other.

To me this is the epitome of paying homage to all the great gay activists  that have given their time and energy to gay rights, Here we will sit and listen to gay influencers as well as contibute in conversations and  group activities by discussing topics together vs. maybe thinking about it alone at home.

So there it is , my bucket list, what is yours?


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