3 things NOT to do during Your Panic Attack




3 things NOT to do during Your panic attack

 by Barry McDonagh


1)  Do not fear you are going to lose control or die from a panic attack.

Panic attacks have a way of making us feel out of control and close to death but this is nothing more than the biochemical reaction of the flight or fight reaction.
 You will not lose it nor will you die from a panic attack. You are safe and your body can handle so much more than you think it can.

2) Do not fear the panic will escalate to the point of no return.

Panic attacks come in waves. The moment when you think it is going to get so bad that it might kill you is actually the peak of the wave. It then subsides naturally.
Panic attacks tend to re-occur when you do not know how to handle them as they start to peak.  

3) Do not EVER feel ashamed for having panic/anxiety.

I know you keep your anxiety problem hidden like a shameful secret because you fear what others will think. Forget what they think.
Most people have no idea what it feels like to have a panic attack or all day anxiety. You are so brave already just dealing with this problem. 
For just a moment close your eyes and let the weight of anxiety fall from your shoulders… relax and know that this is going to be OK. You are going to be OK. 
What a relief to know that your problem is not unique and that you are not only person going through this. You are not alone.
You are going to get through this. In fact if you apply what you learn, you are not only going to get through this but you are going to become a much stronger person because of it!  
I have years of experience teaching people how to end their anxiety problems. Those that apply my program quickly return to living normal lives again. -No longer having to micro-
manage their mind and body. -No longer living in dread of the next panic attack. -No longer scheduling their lives around their anxiety problem. 
The approach I use is very unorthodox. It developed from my own personal experience of ending my anxiety disorder many years ago. Back then, there was no anxiety solution
that worked for me, so out of total frustration, I created my own.

So why is it most anxiety treatments still fail to get results even today in 2014?


1. It is frustrating but almost all of the information and advice out there on treating anxiety is ineffective.

People are not being taught how to empower themselves and end their problems; instead they are taught coping exercises to ‘mange anxiety’ and get on with it.
Everywhere you look, you find ‘coping’ techniques and ‘distraction’ exercises. I am sure you have come across many of them already in books and online.
These approaches keep the person feeling like a victim of anxiety and never go to the HEART of the problem (the fear of the fear). Simply ‘coping’ with anxiety is not good enough. You should be LIVING your life as freely as possible, -not living in fear of another panic attack. People who use my program are the type of people who want nothing less.

2.  Anti-anxiety medication also does not address the real problem.

. Instead it band-aids the anxiety and just gets you through the day. Yes, that can be useful to get a person through a difficult period (I see genuine value in that), but all too often medication become a crutch that you feel dependent on. Many people end up taking such medication unnecessarily for years simply because no one has offered them a good alternative. 3. Lastly there is therapy. This can be very hit and miss. You can get lucky and find a great therapist, but more often than not when it comes to treating an anxiety problem, you will be taught the same coping techniques discussed above. Worse still you might end up with a therapist who has been trained to solve all your problems by exploring everything that happened to you in the past! You could spend thousands of dollars on therapy only to find that you are still as anxious as you were before you started,
-sorry no refunds. (Please note, I am not against therapy per se. It has its place; I just think you need to be sure you find a therapist who is a good fit for the issue that you need to address).

So what makes me qualified to help you with your anxiety? I am not a therapist, psychologist or a doctor, so how can I be of help?


You should listen to me for one reason alone. Simply put, 

I get results.

Through trial and error, I discovered a very effective approach for ending my own anxiety and that approach has gone on to become hugely successful in helping thousands of others to do the same.

Sometimes the big breakthroughs don’t come from the universities or professional bodies but rather from the people who have dealt with the problem themselves.
Me and my team have now set an very ambitious goal of reaching 1 million people with this life changing information by 2016. Reaching that many people will force the establishment to take notice and hopefully change the way anxiety is treated forever. Getting results, for you, is what this all boils down to – lots and lots of amazing results! But I have to be careful with what I say here. I don’t want to give you the impression that these results are through my efforts alone. In fact, truth be told, I never get results FOR people -they get the results FOR themselves. It’s the people who apply the program and do the work that deserve the praise. So what is Your solution to rid your Panic attacks once and for all?

It’s actually quite simple……… 

panic away 2

Click Here for Your Panic Away Program: http://www.gaylifeafter40.com/Panic Away program for success

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