5 Ways to Boost Your Prostate Health After 40


5 Ways to Boost Your Prostate Health After 40

By Peter Minkoff

Once you turn 40, there are two things you simply must do: stop being a child, and start scheduling monthly medical appointments. Since more and more men suffer from prostate diseases, this is probably the most important health issue you need to pay attention to. Luckily, you can help yourself a lot and boost your prostate health on your own.

Here are five effective ways to do so:

Proper Food Choices
This has always been the most elegant solution for a number of problems – by changing your diet, you can lose weight, gain muscle mass, lower blood sugar or avoid certain diseases. When it comes to prostate health, food can do wonders, and it’s never too late to alter your dietary habits.
For instance, certain foods reduce inflammation, which is a great way to help your prostate. Since studies show a direct link between inflammation and prostate cancer, do everything you can to prevent it. Try the so-called Mediterranean diet, for example, and eat as much fish, vegetables and grains as possible. Moreover, avoid substances that will irritate your prostate – spicy, pre-cooked and processed foods, as well as dairy products – and limit your intake of alcohol and coffee.

Check Yourself
Better safe than sorry, even if you’re expecting bad news. Diagnosing prostate cancer in early stages gives you a fighting chance against this horrible condition, which is why regular check-ups are important, especially after 40.
Examining your family’s medical history is another thing that might save your life. You may be predestined for cancer and not even know it, so being informed is half the battle. Be sure to talk to your father, no matter how hard or unpleasant that talk can be, as he might have the right information for you. Also, reach your uncles and grandfathers, just to be extra safe.

Have More Sex!
It’s as simple as that – more sexual activity means less prostate problems. After turning 40, many men lose their sexual appetite and aren’t as potent as they used to be. This change isn’t always connected to their health conditions, but it’s psychological and even psychosomatic in some cases. Lack of sex doesn’t just result in less enjoyment and arousal, but it also causes more problems with your prostate.
The prostate is in charge of producing the majority of your seminal liquid, so, if you notice changes while ejaculating, this might mean your prostate is experiencing a problem or two. If these problems prolong, they’ll affect your sexual performance, too. Fortunately, more sex and more frequent ejaculation will minimize these risks. Therefore, let your partner know the benefits of sex, and get it on!

Prostate Massages and Sex Toys
Speaking of sexual activities, the following idea might prove to be quite interesting. More and more men use sex toys and various accessories that elevate their level of enjoyment and excitement in bed. However, some of these toys can be helpful with diagnosing prostate diseases as well, so a much-loved stimulating butt plug has been proven to be life-saving.
Since the purpose of this toy is to massage your prostate, it’s easy to understand why so many men, in addition to getting aroused, use it to detect changes and unusual behavior of this gland. Whether you’re into prostate massages or not, be sure to include it in your foreplay as it may come in handy with health issues as well.

Become More Active
Another way you can fight prostate cancer is by joining the gym. Losing weight will decrease the pressure on your prostate and diminish the chances of certain prostate diseases, including cancer. You don’t have to do much – two or three weekly training sessions will make you lose about two pounds a week, which is more than enough to help your prostate function properly.
Furthermore, regular exercises will minimize the chances of enlarged prostate and problems with the urinary tract. That’s why losing weight is the best way to significantly help your prostate and improve your body image as well.

Other Methods
Some of the other ways to keep your prostate healthy are getting enough sleep, reducing stress, taking prescribed medications or, ultimately, having a medical procedure. Surgery might seem radical and invasive, but it can save your prostate and ensure a higher quality of life afterwards.


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